Künstlerin UTA NAUMANN - Printree.ch


10 products

    Uta Naumann is a designer from Dresden. She is enthusiastic about romantic vintage design and timeless glamour. After spending her childhood in the Saxon state capital, she moved to Leipzig in 2015. Over the years, Uta has developed her designs around her love of nature, colors and flowers.

    She draws inspiration from antique illustrations and pharmaceutical plants, especially tropical vegetation and roses. Uta describes the way she creates her designs as "drifting" - a wonderful collection of exquisite designs.

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    10 products
    Tropische Welten - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    tropical worlds
    from €15,95
    Toucan im Blüten und Früchte Jungle 2 - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Toucan in the Flowers and Fruits Jungle 2
    from €15,95
    Toucan im Blüten und Früchte Jungle - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Toucan in the flower and fruit jungle
    from €15,95
    Paradisvogel im Blüten Jungle - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Bird of paradise in the blossom jungle
    from €15,95
    Paradiesvögel Im Tropen Jungel - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Birds Of Paradise In The Tropics Jungle
    from €15,95
    Kakadu und Redouté Rosen - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Cockatoo and Redouté Roses
    from €15,95
    Majestätische Kakadus und Blüten - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Majestic cockatoos and flowers
    from €15,95
    Exotischer Papagei und Redouté Rosen - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Exotic parrot and redouté roses
    from €15,95
    Exotische Kakadus und Tropische Früchte - Printree.ch kunstschaffende, UTA NAUMANN
    Exotic Cockatoos and Tropical Fruits
    from €15,95
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